Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Me good. But not modest.

Um - holy CRAP!! The reviews are coming in! A Publisher's Weekly starred review called CITY OF VEILS my "stellar second novel"!

And the holy crap continues! In the UK, where the book is actually out in stores, there's a Sunday Times review (the most thrilling part of which is Peter Kemp remarking on my "tremendously described sandstorm." I kiss you, man!) And a beautiful Guardian review where Laura Wilson says it lives up to the first novel. Hooooo!!!!!!

<-- British cover, by the way. Totally beautiful, LB!

Meanwhile, there's Sarah Weinman's fantastic review on Salon.com. The novel also got a rec on DoubleX (thanks Helene for the heads-up) plus read Hanna Rosin's funny blog post about Sex and the City 2 and its completely awful take on Muslim men.

Now off to swoon.


  1. I actually preferred it to your first novel. Especially the scenes involving the inspector and his wifes birth control pills. That was what brought home for me how much I enjoy these books, and the setting you've created. Well done.


  2. What wonderful reviews!! I'm excited for you! Already I get to say, "see that book? She's my cousin!"

  3. Thanks, cousin!!
    And thanks Martin for your comments and for stopping by!

  4. Wow - way to go, that's wonderful! Woot woot!
